Bentley StormCAD CONNECT Edition


Bentley StormCAD CONNECT Edition StormCAD is one of Bentley’s most popular applications and is one of the strongest software for designing anti-storming, flood, blizzards and hail systems. This software provides logical methods (and not dynamic methods, such as CivilStorm) by solving the calculations of load currents to design suitable drainage systems under different conditions. Rainfall coping methods include plumbing systems and water guidance to the central sewage, as well as the design of safe ceilings with an angle suitable for conducting excess water to the waterways. One of the most important factors in StormCAD software is the cost factor; it allows engineers to maximize productivity with the lowest cost. StormCAD is originally a lightweight, easy-to-use CivilStorm software; though the computational method is different in either of these, CivilStorm provides a wider range of computations, but with all of these interpretations, StormCAD is much more suitable for small and fast designs than CivilStorm, especially for those newcomers who do not have a high level of experience in dealing with natural disasters. Key features of Bentley StormCAD software: – Design of anti-storm systems, floods, blizzards, hail and new rainfall – Solving water flow equations in logical ways – Providing the best solutions based on the lowest cost – Prevention of damages caused by inappropriate design of residential and industrial buildings – Reduce the costs of production, operation and repair – Modeling of plumbing systems and water-to-earth guidance – Increase the life and safety of buildings and reduce the frequency of service – Transient water flow management and economic calculations


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